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Countering fraud, bribery and corruption


Wilton Park works to support The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) in its aim to promote British interests overseas and to support delivery of Britain’s strategic foreign policy objectives. We do this by providing a neutral, discreet and secure forum to convene international opinion formers and policy makers to address and resolve global issues critical to the national security and prosperity of Britain and her allies and, consequently, to project British values and influence.

As an FCDO Executive Agency, Wilton Park must comply with UK law, including the Fraud Act 2006 and the Bribery Act 2010, to ensure our assets and public funds received from the FCDO, other government Departments and other partners are safeguarded and properly used to meet our strategic objectives.

Wilton Park has a ‘zero tolerance’ policy towards fraud, bribery and corruption. Wilton Park requires all staff, at all times, to act honestly and with integrity and to safeguard public resources for which they are responsible as set out by the Civil Service Code.

We will always investigate and seek to take disciplinary and /or legal action against those who commit, or assist anyone committing, fraud or any other improper activities in our operations.

Wilton Park is committed to:
  • Champion an anti-fraud, bribery and corruption culture across the organisation;
  • Seeking to minimise the opportunities for fraud, bribery and corruption;
  • Having effective systems, procedures and controls in place to enable the prevention and detection of fraud, corruption and bribery;
  • Ensuring that our staff are aware of the risks of fraud, bribery and corruption and understand their obligations to report any actual or suspected incidents of fraud, bribery or corruption;
  • Taking all reports of fraud, bribery and corruption seriously, and investigating them proportionately and appropriately; and
  • Meeting our obligations to report any incidents of fraud, bribery and corruption to appropriate external authorities.
How to report concerns over possible fraud, bribery or corruption:

Please follow this link to provide details of your concerns. The inbox is monitored on a daily basis and your message will be passed immediately to the relevant person – who will then follow the process set out above.

Wilton Park will review this policy statement annually to reflect new legal and regulatory developments and ensure good practice. We will also provide adequate and appropriate resources to implement this policy and will ensure it is communicated and understood.

This policy statement was approved by Tom Cargill, Chief Executive, in August 2023 and is due for review in August 2024.

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