The Caribbean 2030 Leaders Network (C2LN) is a diverse and forward-thinking group which encourages innovative thinking for the whole Caribbean region. The network is a Caribbean-UK partnership which includes the Caribbean Policy Research Institute (CaPRI), the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), Wilton Park (an Executive Agency of the FCO), the UK-based Caribbean Council and the Jamaica National Foundation. Since their first meeting in 2015, this network has met on four occasions (in the region and UK), to bring their vision of ‘Creating the Caribbean that is peaceful, self-sufficient, globally competitive, and resilient – promoting innovation and entrepreneurship’. The network they created has been very active, including in practical ways such as responses to the COVID pandemic and hurricane responses as well as leading the ‘green agenda’, and promoting tech innovation and transparency. This meeting will take place virtually.

Reinvigorating the response to antimicrobial resistance (AMR): from aspiration to implementation
February 2025
Global health