As recruitment and use of children by armed actors continues to rise in many countries around the world, continued efforts aimed at preventing and ending this practice are still strongly needed. Besides being a critical issue on the global peace, security, and development agendas, reintegration of children exiting from armed forces or armed groups continues to seriously impact children’s rights and protection in situations of armed conflict.
This event will address a core recommendation from the April 2022 Wilton Park event ‘Preparing the children and armed conflict agenda for the future’, which took stock of the progress made since the creation of the Children Affected by Armed Conflict (CAAC) agenda 25 years ago. At this event, the reintegration of children who have exited armed forces or armed groups was identified as a key challenge that needs to be addressed more holistically.
The event aims to build stronger programmatic linkages between humanitarian and longer-term development initiatives across the Humanitarian and Development Nexus. It will also discuss how to secure access to longer term innovative financing by placing a focus on responses to children’s needs using a prevention lens.
Project Manager: Sandry Koo
- Telephone: +44 (0) 1903 817765
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