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Conclusion: Seizing Africa’s AI opportunity through collaboration

December 2 - December 4 2024 I WP3458


The event concluded with consensus on a clear call for action: Africa must lead in defining its AI development agenda by setting bold national strategies, creating enabling policies, and pursuing international partnerships. Participants urged African governments to avoid waiting for others to develop AI and adopting foreign AI applications – and instead develop homegrown solutions that reflect the continent’s unique socio-economic contexts, African ethics and values, and local languages.

The urgency of acting now cannot be overstated. For Africa to become a global hub for AI innovation and promote inclusive growth and development through AI, leaders and other stakeholders must commit to promoting access to data and building policies and ecosystems that prioritize responsible, trustworthy uses of AI and skilling for Africans to innovate using AI and apply AI and be literate about AI. The future of AI in Africa is not just about technology, but about creating a digital future that empowers all Africans.

Kati Suominen, Founder and CEO, Nextrade Group

Wilton Park | January 2025

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    Majesty’s Government
    nor any participating governments.

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Day 3 – Successfully harnessing AI in Africa

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