We convene world-changing dialogues. Find out more about our previous events.
Reinvigorating the response to antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
Global health
Women's Economic Empowerment: Stimulating Renewed Global Momentum and Driving Long-Lasting Change
Women and girls, Global economy
Verifying nuclear disarmament: the UN Group of Governmental Experts
Defence and security
Critical minerals information–sharing initiative
Global economy, Trade
Loss and Damage: how transformational?
Climate change and the environment, Global economy
Conflict related sexual violence and crimes against humanity
Human rights and faith
Economics of Energy Innovation Systems Transition (EEIST) Retreat
Climate change and the environment
Moving forward on irreversibility in nuclear disarmament
Mediterranean Initiative for Inclusive Citizenship and Freedom of Religion and Belief: Bridging the two agendas
Frascati, Italy
Conflict Related Sexual Violence Survivor Retreat
Strategic risk reduction
In-person meeting of the 2023 Wilton Park Youth Ambassador Network