We convene world-changing dialogues. Find out more about our previous events.
Strategic risk reduction
Defence and security
In-person meeting of the 2023 Wilton Park Youth Ambassador Network
Green Grids Initiative: supporting priority projects in Southern Africa
Climate change and the environment
Reintegration of children associated with armed forces or armed groups
Wilton Park
Key countries and regions, Human rights and faith
Data for Retention: Addressing under-representation of LGBTQ+ minorities in STEM
Global economy
Strengthening human rights in the crisis of peace and security
Human rights and faith
Responsible space behaviours – Latin American perspectives
Defence and security, Science and technology
The NPT after the 2022 Review Conference
Green Grids Initiative: Asia-Pacific retreat
Human Rights Law at Sea
The role of the private sector in Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction
Conflict prevention, resolution and support for peace processes, Key countries and regions
Delivering the UK international development agenda to 2030 and beyond